National Flood Forum and The Rivers Trust sign Memorandum of Understanding
Jayne Mann
During The Rivers Trust Autumn Conference in Castle Donington, The Rivers Trust and National Flood Forum signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their partnership, support communities and reduce flood risk.
Left to right: Andrew Johnston, Paul Cobbing, Arlin Rickard, Oliver Harmar
Both charitable organisations and their networks are strongly engaged in the empowerment of communities and are committed members of the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) and its National Support Group. They deliver complementary roles in reducing the risks of flooding, which causes human suffering and damage to livelihoods, as well improving our environment.
The MoU will provide a clear direction for both organisations to support one another in areas such as empowering communities to take control of the flooding in their lives, Natural Flood Risk Management and the development of a co-ordinated approach towards the 25-Year Environment Plan and the National Flood and Coast Strategy Review.
Arlin Rickard, Chief Executive of The Rivers Trust, said:

“We are already working closely with the National Flood Forum (NFF) on the EU Interreg FRAMES project, which promotes a multi-layered approach to tackling flood risk. However, by bringing together our expertise in integrated catchment management with NFF’s experience of supporting communities and flood risk management, we can take our complementary charitable objectives that much further. “Together through the MoU, we can better support vulnerable communities and strengthen our engagement with the various authorities, to promote cost-effective solutions to protect homes and livelihoods and restore the natural river environment for people and wildlife.”Paul Cobbing, Chief Executive for the National Flood Forum, said:
“Working with organisations such as The Rivers Trust is really important to us, with their practical knowledge of water and land use and national coverage, we can really strengthen work on the ground to help communities at risk. Similarly, the National Flood Forum has a national reputation in supporting and representing flood risk communities. By working together we can achieve the outcomes that are of mutual interest, be they practical projects on the ground or improvements to the systems in which we operate.”To find out more about the National Flood Forum, visit their website here.