The Rivers Trust Conference: Call for Contributions
Please note, this call for contributions is now closed.

It’s impossible to shy away from the challenges facing rivers. The arteries of our landscape are blighted by pollution, habitat destruction, and over-modification. Flooding and drought, both exacerbated by climate change, present a very real threat to communities in the UK and worldwide. A lack of access to wild green and blue space is linked to poverty, and poor health and wellbeing.
All in all, rivers are a key barometer for overall environmental health, and as such, they must be part of the solution to the issues facing our society.
As we look forward with new legislation in place, a rapidly evolving financial market, and more people than ever taking environmental concerns seriously, this is a real watershed moment. Our conference will explore how words and legislation can turn to action and delivery on the ground. We are inviting contributions on topics including, but not limited to:
- Green finance and environmental markets
- Planning for nature
- Community involvement in sustainability
- Pollution
- Groundwater and chalk streams
We are especially keen to present a diverse line-up featuring voices from the Rivers Trust movement, the wider environment sector, industry, governance, and campaigners.
To submit an idea, please send a 300-word abstract to [email protected] by 5pm on Wednesday 16th February, with the following information included:
- Who will present? One person or more
- What is the suggested format?
- Would the session include any interactive elements?
- How long would the session be? The maximum length is 45 minutes for multiple speakers and 20 minutes for one speaker, including time for questions.
- If you’re discussing a particular project, who are the project funders?
Please note, the conference will be taking place online - joining details will be sent to registrants prior to the event.