Join the shoal: How-to make your own March for Clean Water Fish
At the March for Clean Water, we’re coming together to form a shoal and invite you to join us. Use the guide below to add a fish to the top of your protest sign to show that you’re standing up for our freshwater species.
On the 3rd of November, we're part of a coalition of organisations and the public to demand that the Government prioritize cleaning up our rivers and seas. Instead of being there with bells on, we're coming together to form a shoal - and invite you to join us. Use the guide below to add a fish to the top of your protest sign to show that you're standing up for our freshwater species.
Join us in doing so by making a polluted fish sign to bring with you on the day. Help us raise awareness of the plight of our rivers, and form a shoal flying the flag for fish (and other freshwater species!) through London. Download our how-to PDF containing the fish graphic that you'll need to print, and follow the instructions below.

What you'll need:
- Printer
- A4 paper
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Glue
- Wooden stick, i.e. bamboo

You’ll need two copies of the fish graphic size A4. Print pages 2 and 3 of this document on separate pieces of paper, so that you’ve got one for the front and one for the back.

Use scissors to cut around the two fish graphics to remove the white background.
Glue one of the fish on a piece of cardboard, and cut around it to get your fish shape.

Stick the second fish on the other side of the cardboard.

Use a small stick to attach the fish to the top of your march sign - wooden chopsticks work well, pushed into the cardboard of both the sign and the fish and secured with small strips of tape.
Alternatively, attach the fish to the top of a bamboo cane without an additional sign. If you don't have access to a printer, feel free to draw, paint or create a fish design of your own.
Can't attend the March, or want to do more?
Our voices are strongest together. By emailing your MP, you can help us call on the Government for action for our waterway. Use the tool below to find the email addresses of your local elected representatives, and get the draft letter template we've created. The template text appears after you click 'submit', for you to copy and personalise before emailing.
We have are asking MPs to:
- Join the March in London on 3rd November 2024.
- Attend the first meeting of the Water Pollution APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on 5th November in Westminster.
- Speak up in Parliament to demand that the Government’s review of water is independent, rapid, and rigorous.