Press Release: The Rivers Trust Calls for Northern Ireland to Raise Its Voice in Support of the March for Clean Water in London
The March for Clean Water is a UK-wide gathering that aims to highlight the ongoing freshwater pollution crisis. From nutrient run-off and sewage overflows to habitat loss, all our rivers are under siege. The Rivers Trust and its supporters will be taking to the streets of London on 3rd November 2024, alongside other environmental groups, to demand that the UK Government commit to ending pollution for profit and protecting these invaluable ecosystems.
The Rivers Trust, which operates across Northern Ireland, Ireland and Great Britain, is proud to stand in solidarity with thousands of environmental advocates as we join the March for Clean Water. This landmark event will unite people from across the UK, calling for urgent and decisive action to protect and restore our rivers, lakes, and seas from ongoing pollution and degradation.
Whether you are attending the March for Clean Water in London or not, you can still take action to ensure Northern Ireland’s voice is heard loud and clear. We encourage all citizens to email their Northern Ireland MP using our template letter to demand meaningful change. You will find the contact details for your political representatives and a pre-written letter to amplify your concerns about the state of our freshwater environments.
The Rivers Trust All-Ireland Director Mark Horton said, "The rivers, lakes, and loughs of Northern Ireland are part of the lifeblood of our communities. When these natural systems are cared for and in good condition, they not only support or precious wildlife, but also support our health, wellbeing, and economy. However, we are now in an unprecedented crisis where degraded water quality, damaged habitat and the growing impacts of climate change are crippling our waterways and our society. Our political leaders can no longer ignore the mounting pressures on these freshwater environments, and it’s time they worked in solidarity to take bold and immediate steps to address the crisis.
"Our freshwater systems have suffered from too much and often unchecked pollution from multiple sources, chronic underinvestment, weak legislation, and inadequate enforcement. The devastating blooms of blue-green algae in Lough Neagh, and in other lakes across Northern Ireland are just one example of the broader pollution problem impacting our waterbodies. But we can change this, and we need our MPs and MLAs to step up and give strong political leadership on these issues.
"To secure the future of our water environment, we need people power to show politicians that we care deeply about our water and demand urgent action. The health of our rivers is not just an environmental issue; it's a matter of public health, community well-being, and economic sustainability. Now, more than ever, we need our local politicians to act boldly on our behalf and implement lasting solutions to protect Northern Ireland’s precious freshwater resources."
Our Asks for Northern Ireland MPs
The Rivers Trust has a clear set of policy asks for Northern Ireland’s political representatives. We are calling on Northern Ireland MPs to advocate for:
- Ensuring a fair transition for the farming, agri-food sectors and other business sectors, helping them adopt water-friendly practices while remaining economically viable.
- Advocating for investment in sewerage treatment systems to reduce urban and rural pollution sources and the duration monitoring of sewage overflows to waterways.
- Promoting cross-border collaboration with Ireland to protect shared river systems, loughs, and groundwater.
- Aligning water management policies with sustainable development goals, balancing economic and societal needs with the health of our environment.
- Supporting stronger legislation to reduce pollution risk at source ensuring robust protection for our waterbodies.
How You Can Help
We urge everyone to get involved. Sending an email to your MP or MLA today can make a huge difference and strengthen our collective call for action. By supporting The Rivers Trust’s work on the ground and calling for more effective legislation and investment, we can create a future where it is possible for Northern Ireland’s rivers, lakes, and loughs thrive once more.
Click here to download the template and MP email addresses.
Thank you for your support!