Nutrient Neutrality — A Letter Template for Your MP

Use this letter as a template to contact your local MP about the proposed amendment to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB) surrounding nutrient neutrality and the environmental protection afforded to our rivers.

The Rivers Trust


If you are concerned about the recent news surrounding the proposed amendment to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB) surrounding nutrient neutrality and the environmental protection afforded to our rivers, you can use this letter template to contact your local MP.

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Dear [Name of your MP],

I am writing to you as a constituent of [your constituency] because I am concerned about the health of our rivers and recent legislative proposals that threaten them. In particular, the proposals to remove nutrient neutrality rules in the final stages of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB).

Not one water body in England is in good health and nutrient pollution is pushing many to the very edge of ecological collapse. The proposed amendment to LURB would leave our most valuable, supposedly protected, rivers in an increasingly dire position. Rivers are the foundation of our cities and our countryside, providing vital habitat and water resources for wildlife and for communities – we need them in good health if we can hope to tackle the dual climate and nature crises and adapt to the increased risks of flooding and droughts.

I stand with environmental NGOs' views and am of the opinion that:

  • Weakening the Habitats Regulations is dangerous and unnecessary regression in environmental protection, as highlighted by the Office of Environmental Protection. Disapplying laws that protect England’s most vulnerable and valuable rivers and wildlife habitats sets a dangerous and disturbing precedent.
  • Polluters should pay for environmental harm – not taxpayers. It is neither necessary nor acceptable that the bill for pollution should be paid for out of the public purse. In any case, we think that the funds committed by the government will not be sufficient, and they are uncertain for the future.
  • We should not have to choose between housing and environmental protection. Many successful housebuilding projects have been completed and many more are under development under the existing rules.
  • This government’s approach will not work. Swapping the certainty of legal protection for limited public funding or voluntary developer contributions poses an unacceptable risk to the environment.

This move could be just the first step in a devastating series of choices that could weaken further environmental protection – and that is of huge concern to me. We are undeniably in the midst of a climate and ecological crisis, and with a general election approaching, I am losing trust that political parties will move to save our planet.

I am writing to ask you to speak out against the amendment to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, and urge Peers to take this action in the House of Lords.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours sincerely,

[your name]

On behalf of [insert local organisation(s) if relevant]


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