Report an environmental incident

You can help our rivers by ensuring that you report any pollution incidents to the correct authorities. The exact process will depend on where you are the type of pollution you come across.

While you’re out, if you spot a pollution incident, any illegal activity or anything else, please report it immediately to the authorities.


Report pollution to the Environment Agency (EA).
24-hour hotline: 0800 80 70 60

Learn when you need to call the EA immediately, how reported incidents are assessed and prioritised, and when you should contact local councils/utility companies on the EA’s website.


Report pollution to Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
24-hour hotline: 0300 065 3000
Report an incident online.

Learn when to contact the NRW, the information you need to provide, and when to contact local councils/utility companies on the NRW website.


Report pollution to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).
24-hour hotline: 0800 80 70 60
Report an incident online.

Learn more about what SEPA will and won’t respond to, check live flood updates on their website.

Northern Ireland

Report pollution to the Northern Ireland Direct Government Services.
24-hour hotline: 0800 80 70 60
For non-urgent pollution incidents, report to: [email protected].

Learn more about the types of incidents delt with and the information you need to provide here.


Report pollution to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
24-hour hotline: EPA Headquarters: 053 916 0600
LoCall: 0818 33 55 99
Via an online form.

Learn more about who to contact and when on the EPA website.

Further information

Visit the Office for Environmental Protection website for useful information and links on how to report other types of pollution and environmental incidents in England and Northern Ireland: Useful contacts for common environmental issues and concerns | Office for Environmental Protection (

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