Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions — MNbS

Bringing together multi-sectoral expertise and leadership to overcome the barriers to mainstreaming nature-based solutions.

An £8.9 Million OfWat Innovation funded programme of work that started in October 2023 and will span over five years. Bringing together 22 partners, including Water Companies, River Trusts and other eNGOs, and consultancies have come together with the aim of overcoming the barriers to mainstreaming nature-based solutions. The partners are supported through advisory groups of regulators and professional institutions. Through the programme, partners are working to mainstream NbS for greater social, economic, and environmental value. This will be done by recommending how barriers can be removed, facilitating the delivery of NbS at a landscape scale, and developing widespread cross-sectoral support for NbS projects and approaches.

We are going to do this by focusing on 5 key areas:​

  • Cross-sectoral engagement and dissemination of knowledge, findings and expertise​
  • Consolidated tools and processes which support integration of planning, governance and collaboration between sectors​
  • Investible pipeline of financially viable NbS projects at scale which is attractive to stakeholders and investors, bringing multiple/blended investment​
  • Tried and tested Total Value Framework that acts as a common way to fairly assess the value of nature-based solutions​
  • Consolidated evidence-based findings and recommendations disseminated to all key stakeholders including policy makers ​
Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions programme logo
Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions
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