Your Fisheries
Your Fisheries will provide a common web-based planning system that brings together evidence and knowledge from a range of different sources, to inform catchment specific fisheries reports.
The project is a catchment initiative that we developed with support from the Environment Agency and Angling Trust.
The programme has now entered a phased roll out across a number of catchments in England and it is hoped that it will eventually be trialled in at least one catchment of every River Basin District in England.
These reports are intended to represent a range of perspectives from various partners on the current status of fish populations, fishing opportunities and actions required to maintain and deliver improvements.
The pilot catchments and catchment hosts involved in the project will be:
- Bristol Avon and North Somerset Streams (Bristol Avon Rivers Trust)
- Ribble (Ribble Rivers Trust)
- Tees (Tees Rivers Trust)
- Broadland Rivers (Norfolk Rivers Trust)
- Kentish Stour (South East Rivers Trust)
- Loddon (South East Rivers Trust)
- Tamar (Westcountry Rivers Trust)
- Dove (Trent Rivers Trust)
- Hampshire Avon (Wessex Chalk Streams and Rivers Trust)
The above catchments will help the development of the current system, to make it as ‘user-friendly’ as possible for wider roll out in the future.
Working on behalf of the wider catchment partnerships, the local trusts will help develop the process of working with partner organisations and wider fisheries stakeholders to obtain catchment specific data and information and to investigate delivery of the priority actions identified within the report.
Following on from an initial development phase in 2015/16, we appointed Tom Sherwood as a Fisheries Technical Specialist to help with the development of the system and also help oversee the delivery of the project – a post being funded by Rod Licence income from the Environment Agency.
Project start date: September 2016 Project end date: Ongoing
This project is supported by the WaterCo-Governance (WaterCoG) project, under the Interreg North Sea Region VB Programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund.