It might feel like you are a little fish in a large pond, but writing to your local political representative can make a big difference - especially if lots of us take the time to write and express our concerns about the same thing.

Use our tool below to find the contact details of your local elected representatives, wherever you are in the UK and Ireland. It will also provide you with an email template supporting our current ask, that you can personalise and send. Remember to include your full name and address if you would like your MP to respond to you directly.

Be part of our current ask:

💰 Polluters must pay to clean up damage done to waterways. On Tuesday 28th January, the Water (Special Measures) Bill reaches critical report stage in the House of Commons.

❌ We, and many other concerned eNGOs, are calling for the UK Government NOT to scrap the #WaterRestorationFund – a scheme intended to ring-fence Water Company fines to pay for remedial works on rivers and their catchments. If this money is instead added to wider Treasury pots, a significant opportunity to fund vital nature restoration work will be lost.

Find your local political representative's details and use the email template

There are a number of other our campaigns that you can support in your letter or email.


Combining data, insightful maps, and illuminating case studies, the State of Our Rivers 2024 Report is the latest report from The Rivers Trust that dives into the data and evidence offering us an insight into just how our rivers in the UK and Ireland are doing.

We need to stand up for our rivers, and we need our representatives to fight for them too.

Join us in demanding better for our essential freshwater blue spaces. Use the handy tool below to find the contact details of your local political representative, then copy the draft email template that is generated with their details. Paste it into your own email provider, personalise it with your own stories or concerns if you can, and press send. Together, we can make change happen.


The #EndSewagePollution Coalition comprised of a number of environmental NGOs from across the water sector and is pushing for a change to the practice of discharging raw sewage directly into waterways. Each year, we update our Sewage Map with the spill data for England and Wales, for you to explore too.

In September 2021 we joined forces with Surfers Against Sewage and gathered a fantastic 40,000 signatures to End Sewage Pollution which was presented directly to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. This then led to significant changes to the Environment Act, forcing Government and water companies to take action!

We're not stopping there though - we are now calling on water companies to give us access to live sewage data so we can see in real-time the true state of our rivers and make informed decisions about when it's safe to swim, paddle, fish and play in our rivers. See our latest Sewage Map below.

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